Friday, May 15, 2020

Questions On The Nature Of Interpretation - 850 Words

Hypothetical Misinterpretation Jerrold Levinson, a prominent hypothetical intentionalist, through his explanation of the relationship between artworks and exploratory interpretations, has gone under criticism for allowing misinterpretations to be deemed as valid â€Å"could mean† options. However, one finds when reading â€Å"Two Notions of Interpretation† and â€Å"Intention and Interpretation in Literature† that these criticisms are effectively countered by two arguments that Levinson presents. Firstly, although the exploratory mode of inquiry can have multiple, if not infinite, could mean answers, it also has could not mean answers. These could not mean interpretations provide insight into the work and allow for interpretations to be judged on a scale†¦show more content†¦Because they are ludic and not grounded in physical realities one can come up with multiple â€Å"correct† interpretations that are sound but mutually exclusive. To construe what something could mean, Levinson proposes that we, as interpreters, be pragmatic and use logic in combination with our given knowledge of the contexts of works to determine their interpretations. Although there exists an impulse to either exclusively use does mean or could mean modes of inquiry, like an x-ray for the former and a metaphor for the latter, the two modes actually have mutual implications. To examine an x-ray for what it means is to postulate what it could mean and then come to an apt conclusion. To examine a metaphor is to find what is a plausible response in a determinative context of semantic possibilities. There also exist instances of purely could mean inquiries, says Levinson, like the infinite volumes of Babel, but without a does mean interpretation available, as there are no intentions behind the works, the infinite possible could mean interpretations create an absence of meaning. It is here I would like to extend the definition of does mean inter pretation beyond scientific knowledge based answers, to include hypothetical DM interpretations. Although we will see how authorialShow MoreRelatedThe Fundamental Knowledge Of Knowledge1637 Words   |  7 Pagesknowledge issue arising from this question is whether knowledge is consistent throughout time. Can we progress through applying knowledge generated decades ago? To determine whether knowledge generated from areas such as history and science can predict the future, it is necessary to know whether the knowledge acquired through these areas of knowing is consistent, irrespective of changes in time and culture, amongst other factors. Through considering this question, we are gaining insight into whetherRead MoreThe Debate On Constitutional Interpretation1730 Words   |  7 Pageson Constitutional interpretation is far from a new one. 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