Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Hamlets Anger and Morality in William...

Hamlets Anger and Morality in William Shakespeares Hamlet In Shakespeares Hamlet, Hamlet is faced with emotional and physical hardship. The suffering that he endures causes his character to develop certain idiosyncrasies. Morality has a significant importance to Hamlet. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet possesses a strong sense of morality. A sense that is stronger than all other characters. Hamlets actions and feelings are controlled by his morality. His morality grows weaker as the play progresses. Hamlets opinions toward the characters within the play are determined by his moral standpoint. As the play goes on, Hamlets tendency of thinking too much causes him to become mad. Hamlets focal problem is his madness. As†¦show more content†¦After stabbing Claudius, Hamlet forces him to drink from the poisoned wine saying, Here, thou incestuous, murderous, damned Dame, Drink off this potion. Is thy union here? Follow my mother(The king dies.)(5.2 327-329). Hamlet does not only value his own morality, but also the morality of others. Besides worrying about his own morality, his mothers morality has much significance to him. As Robert Luyster states, Hamlet would have Gertrude, like himself, become purified, but this can only be done through the acceding to consciousness claim to be hard(Luyster 77). Hamlet contemplates his every action. This problem eventually overwhelms him while also causing his madness. The depth of his thought concerning the murder of Claudius following Hamlets play reveals his madness. Reason and action are not opposed in Hamlet, but for most of the play, they fail to coalesce as either we or the characters would like them to (Kastan 48). Throughout the play, Hamlet questions his every action. Elliot writes, Claudius, to be sure, according to the Ghosts story, has obtained the throne by killing a king. But that is a main motive for Hamlets not doing likewise; the ways of his uncle are precisely those that the prince is most reluctant to follow( Elliot 27). Hamlet does not want to obtain the throne the same way in which Claudius has, through murder. Hamlet even thinks about Claudiuss life after death. An example of his thought is in Act III,Show MoreRelatedThe Characters Of Foils In William Shakespeares Hamlet860 Words   |  4 Pages Foils In Hamlet   Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In fiction, a foil is a character whom contrasts with another character in the story, typically the protagonist. The foil is able to highlight certain aspects of their opposing character. A foil can differ dramatically or be extremely similar but tends to have key qualities that distinguish the two apart from each other. 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